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I was thinking one day…don’t worry there’s nothing to worry about, I have my days like this! 🤪

I wanted to save myself some time when it came to working out the measurements for the spine and covers when doing my bookbinding.  So I created a Google Sheet that would do this for me.

It’s very simple all I need to do is fill in the information required, which is:

  • Text blocks height
  • Text blocks width
  • Text blocks spine width
  • The thickness of the boards being used for the covers
  • The hinge gap (area between the spine and the board)
  • Lastly, the squares, which is the area that extends past the text blocks fore-edge, head and tail).

It’s a work in progress, and I dare say I will be tweaking it until I get things right or add any new functions.  But it’s a beginning and it will certainly help speed things up when working out the sizes of the covers.

I’m sharing the calculator for you to make a copy and use if it will be of any help.

If you have never used Google Docs, Sheets or Slides before and want to have a copy, simply click File, and then Make a copy in the Google Sheet.

Disclaimer: Please know that this is a work in progress, and double-check the workings produced by the calculator tool. By clicking the button below and using this calculator tool you agree to use this at your own risk and Creasing Paper does not take any responsibility for any incorrect results produced by the tool.

Cover & Spine Calculator

Please let me know what you think of the calculator and if you have made any changes to it yourself.  I would be interested to see what changes you have made.  But I hope it will be of some use to you!

Thanks for reading, and hope to see you again!

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